Automated Geometry Extraction and Shape Optimisation of Topology Optimized Results - Femto Engineering - Femto Engineering

Automated Geometry Extraction and Shape Optimisation of Topology Optimized Results

Topology optimisation (TO) is an increasingly popular generative design method that forms an established part of the design process in various branches of industry. At the moment, TO results are subsequently redrawn or post-processed manually for further design iterations and higher fidelity analysis. This manual post-processing step is becoming a burden to the efficient TO processes, and also compromises the optimality of the TO design.

Because of this, our engineer Marco Swierstra worked together with the Delft University of Technology, on a research project that focusses on the automated post-processing of both 2D and 3D density-based TO results. The aim is to obtain a structural design optimisation process capable of generating optimised, smooth and crisp geometries with accurate, optimised performance, without any manual labour.

About a year ago Marco’s work was already published in the CAD magazine, which you can read more about here (Dutch). And in the fall of 2019 he got the chance to present their work at the NAFEMS conference in London! If you are interested in their work, see the presentation! For a more detailed description of their work check out this extended abstract!

We hope this article was useful. Maybe you are working with topology optimisation yourself? We are always available for any questions, so contact us! To stay up to date with events like this, don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn!

oktober 17, 2019
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